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Guna cave depth

Why Is Guna Cave Called Devil’s Kitchen?

The Guna Caves, originally known as Devil’s Kitchen, have a name steeped in mystery and a bit of creepiness. There are the two main theories:

Theory 1: The caves are home to large colonies of bats, which often fly around the entrance. In the past, people might have associated these nocturnal creatures with darkness and the devil, hence the name “Devil’s Kitchen.” The caves themselves are dark and deep, further contributing to the eerie atmosphere.

Theory 2: Some believe the name “kitchen” comes from the Hindu epic Mahabharata. The Pandavas, legendary heroes, are said to have used the caves for cooking during their exile. However, the origin of the “Devil” part remains unclear in Hindu mythology.

It’s likely that both theories played a role in the cave’s ominous nickname. The darkness, bats, and lack of clear explanation about the “Devil” part fueled the mystery and intrigue surrounding the Guna Caves.

Inside view from the cave

Why Was Guna Caves Closed? Is It Open Now?

The Guna Caves, also known as the Devil’s Kitchen, used to be open to visitors, but sadly, they had to be closed for safety reasons. The main reason behind the closure of Guna Caves was the history of tragedy. Over the years, a number of people, at least 16, have mysteriously disappeared inside the caves. Their bodies were never found. Despite the dangers and warnings, some people still tried to enter the caves, leading to more tragedies. The caves became a place of risk and fear, overshadowing the beauty and mystery. Additionally, people have used this place to harm themselves or attempt suicide.

To prevent further loss of life, the authorities made the difficult decision to close the caves to the public. It was a necessary step to ensure the safety of visitors and prevent more tragedies.

While it’s disappointing that you can’t explore the caves, it’s important to remember that safety always comes first. You can still admire the impressive entrance from a safe distance.

mysterious cave in tamilnadu, India

What Is the Mystery Behind Guna Caves?

The Guna Caves, also known as the Devil’s Kitchen, are shrouded in a lot of mystery due to several reasons. Some of them are explained below:

Disappearing People: Over the years, at least 16 people have mysteriously disappeared inside the caves. Their bodies have never been found, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Deep and Dangerous: The caves are incredibly deep and have a complex structure with hidden chambers and treacherous drops. This makes them extremely dangerous to explore, even for experienced cave explorers.

Legends and Myths: Local legends and myths add to the mystery. Some believe the caves are haunted, while others claim they lead to hidden chambers filled with treasure.

Unexplored Depths: Despite attempts by explorers, much of the cave system remains unexplored. This adds to the unknown and fuels the mystery surrounding the place. Currently, the caves are off-limits to visitors.

While the mystery is fascinating, it’s best to admire them from a safe distance and respect the dangers they pose.


Where Is Guna Caves Located?

The Guna Caves are located in a place called Kodaikanal, which is in the southern part of India, in a state called Tamil Nadu. Kodaikanal is located in the Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu. It’s a beautiful region known for its lush mountains, cool climate, and stunning scenery.

Tamil Nadu has a rich and vibrant culture with a long history dating back thousands of years. The primary language spoken in Tamil Nadu is Tamil, which is a Dravidian language with a unique script and literary tradition. While you can’t go inside the Guna Caves due to safety reasons, you can still admire them from a safe distance and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Kodaikanal.

How Many Died in Guna Caves?

The Guna Caves are sadly known for a number of deaths that have occurred there. While the exact number is uncertain, official records indicate at least 16 people have disappeared and are presumed dead inside the caves, including a government official’s nephew in 1996. This is a stark reminder of the dangers these caves pose.

The only one person is known to have survived falling into a hole in the Guna Caves is a young guy named Subhash from Kerala.

Guna cave depth

How Deep Is Guna Cave?

The exact depth of Guna Caves is a bit of a mystery. Some sources say they’re around 900 feet deep, while others claim they might be as deep as 3,000 feet! That’s deeper than 10 football fields stacked on top of each other, or in other words, as tall as Mount Everest!

It’s important to remember that Guna Caves are extremely dangerous and off-limits to visitors due to their depth and complex structure. The Guna Caves in Kodaikanal are considered to be extremely risky, even for experienced cave explorers. Even though you can’t go inside, the Guna Caves offer a stunning view from a safe distance. You can admire the massive entrance and imagine the depths below.