Why Was Guna Caves Closed? Is It Open Now?

Inside view from the cave

The Guna Caves, also known as the Devil’s Kitchen, used to be open to visitors, but sadly, they had to be closed for safety reasons. The main reason behind the closure of Guna Caves was the history of tragedy. Over the years, a number of people, at least 16, have mysteriously disappeared inside the caves. Their bodies were never found. Despite the dangers and warnings, some people still tried to enter the caves, leading to more tragedies. The caves became a place of risk and fear, overshadowing the beauty and mystery. Additionally, people have used this place to harm themselves or attempt suicide.

To prevent further loss of life, the authorities made the difficult decision to close the caves to the public. It was a necessary step to ensure the safety of visitors and prevent more tragedies.

While it’s disappointing that you can’t explore the caves, it’s important to remember that safety always comes first. You can still admire the impressive entrance from a safe distance.